Career management and techniques are not taught in the normal school curriculum. Many people do not know how to do this effectively, and as a result a lot of time or resources is wasted. When we are sick we see a doctor; when our car breaks down we bring it to the car workshop. Likewise, career coaches are trained to help you in the process of finding the right job or career, and they have access to specific tools and resources that can help you in finding the right job fit. Career Coaches can help you by Reflecting, Refining, Goal Setting, Repackaging your Personal Brand, and providing Support. Career coaching can help anyone who wants to find a more satisfying career or job, or someone who wishes to improve on his current job status in his company. In many cases, apart from the lack of skills to do this, having a coach allows a neutral party assessment of this undertaking, and often this sounding board results in more positive outcomes. Career Coaches can help guide you into selecting the correct career based on your personality, needs, desires and long-term goals. .This will lead to you learning how to fact find and gain knowledge about the best ways to pursue your career goals. Career Coaches can also show you the best ways to build a personal network inside your chosen industry and how to best utilize that network to discover and embrace the best opportunities
Performance coaching can be described as a series of guided conversations that enable the “coachee” to discover and implement personal solutions to challenging issues or areas of performance. It can comprise conversations and exercises that are designed and conducted to enhance someone's well being or performance. If you weren't interested about improving your work performance, you would not be looking at performance coaching. The fact that you are considering this shows and reflects your intent to be better at what you are doing. This is not an admission of failure at what you are doing, but a recognition that you are capable of much more but you need some guidance as to how to get there in the most effective way.
In the modern corporate and employment world, performance coaching is seen as a positive benefit to star performers in the company, and often a way to gaining greater recognition within the work place
In the modern corporate and employment world, performance coaching is seen as a positive benefit to star performers in the company, and often a way to gaining greater recognition within the work place
The internet is a wonderful thing, and there is so much information available. Yes certainly much of the skills and techniques can be found or learned from the internet, and this applies to almost everything. However, searching for a job or understanding what is the right career for you is more than just gathering information. In many cases, it is also about your own perception and beliefs, and how these impact on your mindset. Just like going to see a doctor or having a sports coach, often we need a third party to see what we cannot see ourselves, to be a sounding board for us to crystalise our thoughts, a person who can push us to reach our peak.
Often the term counselor and coach is interchanged and mixed up. This reflects the many overlaps between the two roles. In both there are strong similarities too which is understandable why the two are often mixed up. Both practice active listening and create a trusting and confidential relationship with you. They both use the same techniques in trying to understand and clarify problems or issues, and adhere to strong ethical standards.
But there are significant differences to highlight. In many countries, a career counselor is required to attain a higher degree in counseling or psychology before they can practice as a counselor. A counselor focuses on personal and emotional issues, and looks at the past to help identify a problem and find a resolution. The counselor strives to make the subject as comfortable as possible so that he can freely share his innermost feelings. Many a time, a counselor can be found in environments which help patients deal with mental or emotional problems.
The role and responsibilities of the career coach are more focused. Their job is to guide you through a short term job transition or a long term career transition. The career coach focuses on the future and your strengths in meeting your career goals. Sometimes, life and emotional issues may have significant contribution to this process, but is not the main focus. The coach focuses on what type of career future you can have. He wants to make you successful, and does this through a structured process.
But there are significant differences to highlight. In many countries, a career counselor is required to attain a higher degree in counseling or psychology before they can practice as a counselor. A counselor focuses on personal and emotional issues, and looks at the past to help identify a problem and find a resolution. The counselor strives to make the subject as comfortable as possible so that he can freely share his innermost feelings. Many a time, a counselor can be found in environments which help patients deal with mental or emotional problems.
The role and responsibilities of the career coach are more focused. Their job is to guide you through a short term job transition or a long term career transition. The career coach focuses on the future and your strengths in meeting your career goals. Sometimes, life and emotional issues may have significant contribution to this process, but is not the main focus. The coach focuses on what type of career future you can have. He wants to make you successful, and does this through a structured process.
The onset of technology and the internet has helped to globalise the practice of coaching. The use of video or teleconferencing has often been found effective in facilitating a coaching relationship and process. In our case, we are able to conduct coaching sessions with you via the telephone but we would recommend using a video conference platform such as Skype. The latter is very cost effective and provides you with the option of seeing your coach by video and hearing at the same time - almost as if you were there in the same room. In between sessions, emails can also be exchanged to address any ad hoc topics you may have
There are many good coaches around, but an effective coach is one that develops trust and empathy, and has the necessary training and experiences that the client can rely on as genuine.. We at LifeWork Consulting are certified by the Career Development Network, an international Career Coaching body. Our uniqueness and strength lie in our unmatched real world career experience gathered over almost 25 years of senior management experience across a wide range of industries and roles. Hence, we are strongly placed to provide unique insights into the hiring process, and our speciality is in knowling what it takes to effect a successful career switch to a different industry or role. Our senior management and business experiences also allow us specific knowledge about team building, how to deliver impact in your job, and effective mapping of your career. Having being in the trenches dealing directly with such issues, we deal with facts and real experiences - not theory and conjecture.
In the first session, the goal is to allow you to raise any questions you may have about the entire coaching process.This is also the time for you to assess if the coach is someone whom you can work with. Conversely, this is also the time when the coach finds out some basic information ,and especially your level of motivation to seek change and accept advice. The first session is pre-consultation and can last up to 45 minutes, and at no charge. There is no obligation to take up any future sessions, and all information is still kept confidential.
The job search process is taking longer nowadays, and its not uncommon for some to take 6 months or more before securing something. At LifeWork Consulting, we find what makes you tick and work with you to identify possible career options and develop a suitable action plan. However, you must take charge and take responsibility for this process, and the coach is not here to spoon feed you. We will teach you to fish, not catch the fish for you. You are in charge of your own job finding process. The rate of success is directly related to the amount of effort and commitment you take as a coachee in this process. However, it is our goal and commitment as a career coach to see that you are successful in this pursuit.
Every individual is different, and hence it is difficult to determine a standardised time frame to complete the process and reach your identified goal. Our coaching packages are designed to allow for maximum flexibility and preferences. If you are still exploring the idea of formal coaching, but need some guidance, you can sign up for unlimited monthly email packages, or supplement these with personal skype sessions. If you are convinced of the benefits of personal career or performance coaching, you can certainly sign up for individual sessions by skype or face-to-face. The length of time largely depends on your own schedule and ability to complete the followups drafted out during the coaching sessions.
After every coaching session, there usually is an agreed action item for you to followup and complete before the next session. You, as a coachee, is expected to be an active participant during the sessions, be proactive in your followups, and be responsible for the outcome. The coaching process can only be successful if you are strongly motivated to seek change, and open to accept coaching inputs. This degree of motivation is the focus of the first pre-consultation session before both parties can agree to go onto the next step of a formal coaching relationship.
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